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12 and 24 HOUR COURSES: * Mountain Bike * Helmet * Hydration pack or backpack *Compass *UTM Tool with 1:24k scale *Writing utensil (Sharpie/pen/pencil) *Food/hydration for duration of race *Bike/headlamps *Rear red bike light *Cell Phone for emergency *Appropriate clothing

6 and 8 HOUR COURSES: *Bike (Mountain, hybrid, ebike, singlespeed) *Helmet *Rear red bike light *Hydration pack/backpack *Cell Phone for Emergencies *Food/hydration for duration of race *Compass *Writing utensil (sharpie, etc) *Appropriate clothing 2 Hour Course: Sturdy Shoes Weather appropriate clothing Compass Cell phone (fully charged) Food/Water for duration of race

Suggested Gear: *Map bag (or large ziploc) *Bug Spray *Sunscreen *Camera *Your own paddling gear and pfd (you won't have to carry it during the race)

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