Off Road Rage Adventure Racing is proud to present our newest race addition!
This will be the 2nd year for the MWCAR! This year the race will be a REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RACE for the United States Adventure Racing Association (USARA) this means you collect points towards your chance to race at Nationals. It also means the winners of the Premier Division (3/4 person COED) will be awarded entry to Nationals! This race is ALSO a points race for The Adventure Racing World Series-North America (ARWS). If you race 2 qualifying events for ARWS you are put in a lottery to race at the World Championship event in Canada!
Save the date: June 21st, 2025
6 and 24 hour courses
Kanopolis, KS (that’s right the legendary Kanopolis location is back!!) This year registration to the Midwest Championship is open to ALL teams, next year it will be a points system invitation based on our other series races.
Event details and schedule
Please check the website for Required gear list.
Start time for the 24 hour course will be 8 am! Start time for the 6 hour will be 9 am!
Mileage (approximately)
6 Hour: 25 miles biking
5-7 miles trekking
3-4 mile paddle
24 hour Course: Biking 50-60 miles (asphalt, gravel 80%, double track 10%)
12-14 miles trekking
8-10 miles paddling
Maps for ALL courses will be pre-plotted on 1:24k scale Caltopo maps.
Kayaks provided for solos, canoes provided for all teams. Pfds/paddles included. Teams may bring their own if they choose.
Post race snacks for the 6 hour course provided. Post race breakfast for the 24 hour course provided.