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Extreme Break up Adventure Race

March 22nd, 2025
Manhattan, KS 
Start location:
Train Depot, Manhattan

12 hour Start: 7 AM
6 Hour Start: 8 AM
2 hour Start: Anytime between 10am and 3pm

Join us for the LONGEST running Adventure Race in the Midwest!


This year the Break Up will be held in the Little Apple! Manhattan, KS!


This race was not named after your relationship status, but appropriately named after the spring thaw in Alaska! This race brings everyone out after hibernation to hang out with friends (and Mother Nature)! Adventure Racing is known for being a team sport, so grab some friends and come join us. If you can't find some crazy friends, we allow solo racers, too!


The Break Up will have three courses to fit ALL skill levels:

There is a FUN course that is perfect for ALL AGES. This course is all on foot, and wheelchair/stroller accessible. It's a fun scavenger hunt around Manhattan, KS that should take less than 2 hours and includes fun prizes! This is a great course to try your hand at navigating, or teaching your kids to read a map!


Next is our 6 hour course. This course will have an "urban" feel this year and be based around the town of Manhattan, but will still have sections of an "outback" feel! You will need a bike (mountain bike preferably, BUT gravel/singlespeed/ebikes allowed)(ebikes have their own division). 

This course is perfect for first time racers and veteran racers! Mileage breakdown: 25+ on bike, 5-8 on foot. NO CANOE/KAYAK. There will be FUN challenges, as well! All checkpoints are optional, you race as much as you want to and then come to the finish line! Maps will be pre-plotted topographic maps. Scale 1:24k


Last, BUT DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, is our EXTREME Break Up. This is our 12 hour course that will challenge all endurance racers. (will have mostly experienced racers, but we have newbies every year that do just fine on the 12 hour courses!) Mountain bike required. (ebikes are allowed, they will have their own division) Mileage: 45+ bike, 10-13 running/walking/trekking, NO CANOE/KAYAK this year (we've been frostbitten one too many years now. It never fails...the lake is either still frozen, or it's dangerous to put boats on the to ensure that we have gorgeous weather this year, we've chosen to eliminate the canoe/kayak section) Maps will be a MIX of pre-plotted and points that need to be plotted on topographic, 1:24k scale. UTM plotting tool will be required. 

Race update #2

March 18th, 2025


Hey Racers!! Welcome to the Longest Running Adventure Race in the Midwest! We're so excited to bring you on this amazing journey with us! 


We have added an AR101 COURSE FRIDAY NIGHT! This is a FREE course for anyone that would like to join us in learning more about Adventure Racing before your FIRST RACE (or second, or third) Topics covered will be: Reading your maps and understanding them, tips/tricks on choosing your course, food/hydration ideas, and tips/tricks we've learned over YEARS of racing. AND, we'll have a great question/answer session! City Park Shelter at 7 PM (will last about an hour)



We've changed our check-in hours (6,12 hr. courses) to accommodate some late travelers! Check in will be FRIDAY at the Shelter in Manhattan City Park from 6-8 PM! OR, you are more than welcome to check in on race morning from 630-7 AM. (You will not be getting ALL race maps at check in...just a little "preview")


***12 HOUR RACERS: Mountain bikes ONLY, (we know you have that gorgeous gravel bike in your garage), but we're sticking to ARWS rules since this is an ARWS sanctioned event. 


Don't forget your $8 USARA fee (or have your yearly membership number) (12 Hour racers ONLY)


Please Check over the gear requirements for this race: 


12 Hour: Mountain bike, helmet, headlamp, rear red bike light, hydration/backpack, enough food/water to last 12 hours, compass, WRITING UTENSIL (sharpie), Cell phone for emergencies only (or for taking pics), $8 USARA fee, weather appropriate clothing, and A GREAT ATTITUDE!


6 Hour: Mountain bike preferred (there is singletrack), helmet, rear red bike light, hydration/backpack, enough food/water to last 6 hours, compass, writing utensil (sharpie), cell phone for emergencies (or taking pics), weather appropriate clothing, and your SMILING FACES!!


2 Hour course: sturdy walking/hiking shoes, enough water/snacks to last 2 hours, cell phone for emergencies (or to take pics), weather appropriate clothing, and your ADVENTUROUS SPIRITS!!


Suggested gear: 

Sunscreen (we can HOPE)

Bug spray


First aid kit (band aids, antiseptic, ibuprofen, etc.)


Flasks (just kidding...kind of)



Race Start Times: 


12 HOUR COURSE: 7 AM (building will NOT be open until 630)


2 HOUR COURSE: Pick up maps ANYTIME between 10am-3pm! 


You guys know I HATE predicting times/winning times, BUT here is my best guess: 


12 Hour course will be CLEARED (getting ALL checkpoints) by 75% of the racers. Winning time will be 8 HOURS (could be earlier looking at these rosters, for a couple racers) MOST racers will be out there for 12 hours enjoying their time in nature! 


6 Hour course will be CLEARED by 60% of the racers. Winning time will be 4 hours (a couple speedy ones in there) but, MOST racers will be out there for the 6 hours getting their money's worth :-)


2 Hour course: It's a little longer than I had originally planned, I'm estimating 4+ miles, BUT it is truly a great urban trekking section. And, you won't feel alone out there, BECAUSE BOTH the 6, 12 hour courses will have the same trekking section! I estimate everyone will clear this course!! 


If you have ANY questions message me ANYTIME. I don't sleep on race week ;-)



316-393-3682 or

12 HOUR Roster

SCreenshot 12 hr BU 2025.png

6 HOUR Roster

SCreenshot 6 HR BU 2025.png
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